Have a Fabulous Festive Time!

Well, it is hard to believe that it is already time to wish you all Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year. What a great year we have had at Micro Surface Corporation. It has been a year of many accomplishments due to you, our valued customers, suppliers, and employees. The entire team would like to convey our sincere thanks and gratitude for the support provided and trust bestowed throughout the year. Without you all, we couldn’t have achieved success in the market place.

A big “Thank You” for all our customers for your business this year. It has been a pleasure helping you reach your goals. We look forward to contributing to your success in the coming year as well. We could reach our goals and expand our services because of the generosity and commitment of people like you.

Each year, we are proud to offer you innovative and quality-tested products for applications in varied industries. Thanks to our highly skilled employees who are committed to deliver products that exactly meet the customer’s requirements. With you all, we could grow the business and enjoy many exciting achievements this year. May the magic and the wonder of the Christmas season stay with you and your family throughout the coming year!

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to work with you all this year. It has been an honor and a valuable experience for us. We are looking forward to continuing business with you the next year. We have several innovative products coming your way soon! Wishing you all once again prosperity, peace, and health in the coming year.

The team Micro Surface Corporation will be taking a break to enjoy the holidays.

Our office will be closed from 25th Dec 2017 –1st Jan 2018

Wish You a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2018.

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