
Dry Lubricants in Medical Devices


Providing lubrication and corrosion protection to Medical Applications

Continual advances in the medical arena are leading to the development of medical products that benefit from the properties imparted by the surface treatment of components with dry/solid film lubricants.

Micro Surface Corporation supplies medical equipment manufacturers with lubrication solutions that can meet unique application and performance requirements.


Our Products and Their Features

Dry Film Lubricants are designed to meet functional requirements across different medical applications. We offer the following solution-driven products for medical applications:

  • Tungsten Disulfide (WS2): This is our most popular solution in medical and pharmaceutical applications. Applied utilizing our proprietary Process SL-39, WS2 is compliant with ISO-10993 biocompatibility and USP Class 6 standards. WS2 can reduce or eliminate galling and fretting in the assembly and operation of tight tolerance bearings, threaded components and other medical devices. Additionally, as a mold release treatment it can improve release and through-put on complicated molding operations. Meets AMS 2530 and DOD-L-85645A Type 1 specification.
  • Molybdenum Disulfide (MoS2): Micro Surface Corporation provides a wide variety of MoS2-based solutions for components requiring lubrication and corrosion protection that cannot be achieved with hydrocarbon-based lubricants. We offer an impinged coating that is thin, durable and vacuum compatible. There are also options available that include the use of resins and binders as well as heat curing that provide not only lubrication but also excellent corrosion-inhibiting properties. MoS2 is not typically used in In-Vivo applications. It is an excellent solution for valves, lead screws, pumps and more. Meets AMS 2526, MIL-PRF-46010, AS 5272, and MIL-L-23398 specifications. Please inquire about other AMS, AS or MIL specs.
  • MS-1216 Micro-Lube Lithium-Based Lubricant: This is a multi-purpose lubricant grease that is an excellent choice in the manufacturing environment. It is extremely tacky, will not wash out, and provides protection against hot, cold and salt water and steam. Use in hard-to-reach areas requiring long-term lubrication. Effective from 10 – 385 degrees F.



We have applied our lubricants to a wide variety of medical products, meeting the demands of various applications, such as:

  • Medical Device Mold Equipment
  • Valves
  • Pump Components
  • Surgical Instruments
  • Endosurgery Tools
  • Threaded Fasteners and Components


Please contact us to see if we can provide a solution to your lubrication or wear problem.