Author: Jon M.

Lapping or Polishing

Lapping and polishing are processes designed to remove material from a work piece to achieve a desirable surface finish, dimension, shape or combination of these characteristics. The similarities between lapping and polishing are in the fact that they both use an abrasive in an oil or water based carrier, a vehicle to carry the compound to the work piece and the removal of material from the work piece to achieve the desired finish. The main difference between lapping and polishing is the amount of material being removed and the final appearance of the work piece. Lapping can remove much more material and leaves a dull matte finish, while polishing removes a small amount of material and leaves a bright, reflective finish.

Buying Guide for Corrosion Protection Industrial Coatings

It is very common for metallic industrial components to experience corrosion during their lifetime. This is because they are frequently exposed to harsh environments. Thus, various types of corrosion resistant coatings are used to avoid the corrosion. These coatings help improve service life of the metallic parts, as well as reduce maintenance costs. Most anti-corrosion coatings are developed to address five types of corrosion – galvanization, localized, general, stress, and caustic agent corrosion. This post offers information on the five types of corrosion, as well as various popular anti-corrosion coatings.

All Important Questions on Dry Film Lubricants Answered

In any industrial application, the purpose of lubrication is preventing friction between two rolling surfaces, or between the plain bearing and the shaft. Greases and oils are common types of lubricants used in industrial applications.

Have a Fabulous Festive Time!

Well, it is hard to believe that it is already time to wish you all Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year. What a great year we have had at Micro Surface Corporation. It has been a year of many accomplishments due to you, our valued customers, suppliers, and employees.

A Beginner’s Guide to Phosphate Coating

Phosphate coating is the crystalline coating applied on the ferrous metals to inhibit corrosion. The phosphate coating lends a gray to black appearance of the surface. In many applications phosphate coating is followed by oil coating (P & O) to improve its rusting and anti-galling properties. In this post, we will introduce you to different types of phosphate coating, their industrial applications, and benefits.

How Can Dry Film Lubricants Low Friction Coatings be Useful for You?

Dry film lubricants, which are also referred to as solid lubricants are basically used to reduce friction caused between two or more surfaces. Therefore, they are also referred to as low friction coatings. These solid coatings are used in almost all environments, such as high and low pressures, high and low temperatures, as well as high and low shaft speeds.

8 Things About Low Friction Coatings That You Never Knew

Low friction coatings are popular types of industrial coatings used today. These coatings are named so due to their low coefficient of friction. There are various types of low coefficient of friction coatings such as PTFE, Molybdenum Disulfide, Tungsten Disulfide, etc. Although all these coatings are designed to reduce the friction between two surfaces, there are still many things that you may not know about them. This post concentrates on different aspects of these coatings, which were earlier not touched upon.